As always, even with all good things it comes to a end. But not before we had more fun on the track!

The body was feeling the musle pains but we went for it anyways. When the sun shines that much with a cool breeze you need to ride! And that is what we did. Had a fresh rear tire and went out to have fun.

With the new tire I was albe to set some better laptimes but not as fast as my friend did. But for me I gave my best and not having the motorycycle at a 100% condition I did pretty good.

Did again 5 sessions because the last ones I was missing my brake markers on 3 corners every time and was not able to keep the focus needed when riding on the track. Time to stop but with a smile.

Nothing boke, nobody fell and had lots a fun on the track. Time to pack and go home.

Thanks to the great guys (and girl) of TrackDudes. Very good service when we had some issues with the bike and also for the hospitality. Hope to see you guys soon again!

Now the bike needs a visit for service to fix the QS and blipper so that our next day at Assen will be with joy and fun on the track!