The last time I was at Spa was already 2 years ago. With 26 degrees and sunshine @Dennis and I where looking forward to the day. We arrived at the smaller paddock and it was FULL. They should not stay at that side of the track because is it simply to small. Luckily we found a small spot and from that point on all went ok. When I was mounting the camera I saw that my side mount was getting loose and had to the the mount on the fuel tank. When I went out on the first session the long straights prevented me to dive behind the screen and the camera was in the way. So no more video’s on the track :( The second the third session @Dennis and I where very competitive and had some nice overtakes. He has a Suzuki 750 and me a CBR1000RR so there are some differences in rinding styles, the straights are in my benefit but he was faster in certain corners so plenty of moments he could pass me and I could overtake him to. Those 2 sessions where asome! The 4th session was a disaster, on the second lap my body overheated and I lost all my physical power and had the end the session. The 5th and last session was good again by not as fast as the first 3 sessions of the day. My body was getting tired and the 2:51.827 was out of reach. But had some good fights with a other CBR1000RR but @Dennis was gone and I was not able to keep up with him. Spa is a special track and I love to ride there. No other circuit I can drive my Honda in the 6th gear flat out and the combination of elevation, fast corners, double corners are amazing! If you ever the the possibility GO!